Network 3: Student’s Book with Online Practice



Student Book: One-page, one-lesson, one-outcome approach ensures achievement Student Book: Your Network activities help students to practice communication in class and online Student Book: Get Connected lessons build social media skills such as creating a personal profile and blogging in English Student Book: A photo-based storyline presents the language students need for work, school, and life, in a natural and motivating way Student Book: Original BBC Motion Gallery video andauthentic documentaries develop real-world listening skills Online Practice: Allows you to assign up to 25 hours of extra grammar, vocabulary, speaking, and listening practice for the classroom or at home, and track your students progress Online Practice: Features over 120 activities per level,including integrated video, audio, and speak and record dialogue practice Online Practice: Provides instant access to Student Book video and audio, Workbook audio, test audio, and answer keys Online Practice: Makes reviewing students progress easy with integrated and downloadable tests, including unit quizzes, midterms, and finals Online Practice: Features extra teacher tools so teachers can create groups of students for differentiated instruction and set up online discussions Online Practice:The access code for Online Practice is printed on the inside back cover of the Student Book

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