English In Mind 5 Second Edition Książka Ucznia Plus DVD-ROM



Written for teenagers, English in Mind creates an inspiring learning experience for secondary students. Everything, from the choice of imaginative topics, texts and exercises to the attractive design is perfectly matched to students interests, age and ability. It provides a solid basis for effective language learning through a strong focus on grammar and vocabulary. Flexibility and support are offered in the form of photocopiable activities and tests in the Teachers Resource Pack, EiMTV DVDs, Workbook CD-ROMs and the extensive free worksheets, tests, wordlists and resources on the website. Each level of the course provides 80-90 hours of work with the possibility of extension. It can be used with mixed-ability classes. The Starter level is for complete beginners and Level 1 is for elementary students and contains a 16-page starter section to revise key language. Levels 2 to 5 take students from pre-intermediate to advanced level. Key Features of this Title Imaginative and appealing topics – such as wonders of the world, reality TV and global issues engage teenagers interest and motivate them to learn. Projects and writing tasks allow students to build up their own language portfolios, developing learner independence and giving students a practical use for the language. Culture in Mind sections give students an insight into different aspects of culture throughout the English-speaking world. Fiction in Mind in level 3 and Literature in Mind in levels 4 and 5 provide further reading practice. Teachers Resource Pack with extra photocopiable activities and tests gives teachers lots of support and flexibility. Entertaining photostories give students a feel for contemporary spoken English. Study Help and Skills Tips sections in the Workbook give learners extra support and guidance. A strong focus on grammar and vocabulary provides a solid basis for effective language learning.Powyższy opis pochodzi od wydawcy.Podręczniki dla przedszkolaków, szkół podstawowych i średnich, zarówno liceów, techników jak i szkół zawodowych. Do tego pomoce dydaktyczne dla nauczycieli wszystkich szczebli. Skompletuj swój zestaw z molemole.com!Mole Mole to nowe, wyjątkowe miejsce na księgarskiej mapie Polski. To nowoczesne, przytulne małe księgarnie oraz sklep internetowy, przyjazne pasjonatom czytania, wielbicielom dobrej książki i literatury, ceniącym sobie wybór i przyjazne, nieśpieszne zakupy. W naszych księgarniach znajdziecie wyselekcjonowaną ofertę tytułów a na molemole.com możecie buszować wśród dziesiątek tysięcy pozycji książkowych. Nasz bogaty księgozbiór to moc inspiracji i publikacje z niemalże wszystkich dziedzin!

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