The studies in this volume explore needs analysis in the public, vocational and academic sectors, in contexts ranging from service encounters in coffee shops to foreign language needs assessment in the U.S. military. In each chapter, the authors explicitly discuss the methodology they employed, and in some cases also offer research findings on that methodology. Several studies are task-based. Contributions include work on English and other languages in both second and foreign language settings, as well as a comprehensive overview of methodological issues in needs analysis by the editor.ContentsA rationale for needs analysis and needs analysis research, Methodological issues in learner needs analysis, Language needs analysis at societal level, Foreign language needs assessment in the U.S. military, Sources, methods and triangulation in needs analysis: A critical perspective in a case study of Waikiki hotel maids, Foreign language needs of business firms, Evaluating the use of multilple sources and methods in needs analysis: A case study of journalists in the Autonomous Community of Catalonia, A preliminary analysis of language provisions for foreign professional footballers in the Netherlands, A task-based needs analysis of a tertiary Korean as a foreign language program, Colllecting target discourse: The case of the US naturalization interview, Service encounters in two coffee shops and at a coffee cart, When small talk is a big deal: scoiolinguistic challenges in the workplaceSeriazobacz inne tytuły z serii Cambridge Applied LinguisticsCognition and Second Language Instruction, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Academic Listening, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Computer Applications in Second Language Acquisition, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Corpora in Applied Linguistics, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Criterion-Referenced Language Testing, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Critical Pedagogies and Language Learning, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Culture in Second Language Teaching and Learning, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Evaluating Second Language Education, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Exploring the Dynamics of Second Language Writing, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Exploring the Second Language Mental Lexicon, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Focus on Form in Classroom Second Language Acquisition, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Genre Analysis, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Immersion Education, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Insights into Second Language Reading, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Interactive Approaches to Second Language Reading, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Interfaces Between Second Language Acquisition and Language Testing Research, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Language Learning and Deafness, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Language Program Evaluation, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Language Transfer, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Learning Vocabulary in Another Language, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Linguistic Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Modelling and Assessing Vocabulary Knowledge, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Network-Based Language Teaching: Concepts and Practice, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Perspectives on Pedagogical Grammar, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Practice in a Second Language, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Pragmatics in Language Teaching, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Research Genres, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Research Perspectives on English for Academic Purposes, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Researching and Applying Metaphor, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Second Language Classrooms, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Second Language Needs Analysis, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Task-Based Language Education, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Text, Role and Context, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> The Development of Second Language Proficiency, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> The Learner-Centred Curriculum, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> The Second Language Curriculum, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Understanding Expertise in Teaching, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Contrastive Rhetoric, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Disciplinary Identities, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Genres Across the Disciplines, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Reading in a Second Language, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> The Language of Business Meetings, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”>
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