World Wonders is a three-level series for 9-11 year olds that capitalises on National Geographic photography and facts via reading texts and DVD clips. It also features an exciting adventure cartoon story for Levels 1 2. The course is structured aroud the Students Books that contain twelve eight-page core units + six review units.Features:* Stunning National Geogrpahic photos used in unit openers and Lesson 2s* Episodes of the cartoon story in Lesson 1s that are age appropriate* Cross-curricular non-fiction reading texts in Lesson 2s that are inspired by National Geographic content* Reading texts in Lesson 3s that brings the theme of each unit down to students reality* Vocabulary taught in context and in word sets* Concise grammar presentations and tasks* Say it like this! (functional language)* Sounds of English (pronunciation)* Guess what! (non-fiction trivia)* Strong writing sub-skill syllabus (punctuation, connectors, reference words, etc)* Memorable, catchy songs that make learning fun
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